Reiki is an alternate healing system which works not only on physical level, but also on mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Rei means universal and Ki means life force energy. Same energy is called as Prana in India, Chi in China and Ki in Japan. The Prana energy which is regulated in ‘Prananama’ through breathing technique is the same energy which is regulated through hands in Reiki. The healing technique was originated in India by Lord Buddha in the form of various sutras. He was seen performing various types of healings on various occasions. But after Buddha it was forgotten for thousands of years until Dr. Makao Usui from Japan re-discovered it in the end of 19th century. He responded to a challenge from his university students by undertaking an extensive study of the healing phenomena of history’s greatest spiritual leaders. Through travel, study, research and meditation, he evolved a healing system based on ancient Buddhist teachings written in Sanskrit. He spent the rest of his life practicing and teaching this method of natural healing, which involved attunement to the energy, and the laying on of hands. REIKI moves towards balancing the being as a whole: both individually and collectively. Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing will be nurtured by the Universal Life energy. Thus everything with life benefits – plants, animals, humans. Reiki Healing Services in USA, It will be as if you have come home and reached out to turn on the light switch. Through using Reiki life will become brighter and brighter, Reiki Energy Healing in USA REIKI has been used to treat everything, from minor ailments and accidents to chronic diseases. It draws out and eliminates stress, promotes relaxation and speeds up the healing process. REIKI has been successfully used, alone and in conjunction with, other healing methods such as allopathic, homeopathic, Ayurveda, acupuncture, acupressure, massage therapy, etc. Reiki Healing Services in USA, It has been successfully used by therapists and lay persons alike. Those persons already active in the healing field receive an amplification of their healing abilities. Reiki is a loving energy, an energy with a sense of love, warmth and security. It makes no difference who is doing the treating. Love is the end result. Follow the happenings of life, they will bring you to places and people who will promote inner growth. Focal points and priorities of living will be altered. More and more you will find a quiet honesty about your actions and your lifestyle.Reiki Practitioner near me in USA, Be prepared for growth and change. Accept and enjoy what happens, Reiki Energy Healing in USA. While healing Reiki is drawn, not sent. The amount of energy drawn is determined by the needs of the person receiving it, and it will go through any material, including Clothes and plaster casts and with advanced levels it can be sent through time and space no matter when, whom, what and where it is to be sent. After Reiki Attunement, personal energy is not drained because REIKI is a Universal energy – channelled through and from the collective universal power within by placing our hands on one another or on ourselves and through the use of a powerful absent healing technique. REIKI was intended as a gift and still remains so, accessible to all. It is simple, effective and consistent. In my experience, one of the gifts of REIKI is the experience of the energy, instead of “having faith” that energy is present. Another gift is the feeling of being reconnected to my Source of Energy. To become a REIKI channel, one needs a desire to learn, a commitment to use REIKI and an attunements given by a competent Reiki Master during the initiation. The attunements will align and tune-in the energy centres of the student to the REIKI. Once attuned to Reiki, the Reiki will continue to be flown from hands as and when required. Even if a student does not use the Reiki for 20 yrs. after attunement and one fine day decides to use the power of Reiki, he will be able to do so. This is the importance of attunement into Reiki, Reiki Practitioner near me in USA. After attunement you need to practice the self-healing sessions for 21 consecutive days. In these first 21 days of your Reiki life your hands will be sensitised so much that after 21 days you can feel the energy flowing through your hands with ‘flip of a switch’ style. Reiki Healing Services in USA, You will just have to think of the words, ‘Reiki on’ and it starts flowing and when you will say ‘Reiki off and it goes off. It is so simple and fun using this energy, Reiki Practitioner near me in USA. Reiki Energy Healing in USA. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT REIKI TAKE A REIKI HEALING SESSION. |