Healing Services
offers Healing for the following
- Solve any kind of psychological problems like fear, phobia, depression, anxiety, sleeping disorder, anger etc.
- Healing in physical diseases, remove body pain.
- Stop bad habits like alcohol, tobacco, smoking etc.
- Remove negativity from person or place.
- Improve concentration, focus and confidence.
- Increase charisma and attraction power.
- Attract money and fortune. Remove money blockages.
- Solve any kind of relationship issues.
- Black Magic and Spirit Removal from person/place. And much more.

Signature Healing Programme
It is important to know that inner work healing is not a one session cure-all. Because we accumulate unhealthy patterns, limiting beliefs and judgements over a lifetime, it may take several sessions to get to the root and clear the negative energies that block your way to a more peaceful life. If you’re experiencing a particularly challenging time in your life or are focusing on clearing specific traumas, a series of sessions may be recommended.
This Signature Healing Programme is specially designed keeping in mind your specific needs.
Duration – Depends on the case
Fee – Please Book for consultation session and we can design this as per your need.
Apart from this if you wish you take single sitting for specific Healing modalities.
Explore my categories of services and click on each service to learn more and book an appointment.
Reiki And Karuna Reiki
Reiki supports a person’s overall well-being on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. The flow of Reiki energy assists in achieving greater peace of mind, happiness, and fulfillment in life. Balance is important in all areas of life, including a balanced flow of life force energy through your body.
Practitioners direct this energy to a living being thus improving its flow and balance to support healing of the person’s body.
- Promotes deep relaxation
- Reduces stress and tension
- Relieves pain and discomfort
- Balances chakras and aligns energy
- Speeds recovery from surgery and illness
- Enhances immune system
- Promotes self-love and acceptance
- Encourages mental and emotional clarity
- Strengthens intuition and self-awareness
- Promotes overall health and well-being
- Heals past traumas
- Heals animals and plants
- Heals past traumas
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 30 min session
Kundalini Reiki
Kundalini Reiki is a straightforward healing technique that does not require intensive study or the use of complex procedures. It is a very safe way to awaken the Kundalini energy. It works with the Earth’s energy, part of the universal energy. The Kundalini Reiki enters the root Chakra (base of your spine, coccyx) and runs through the body and out through your crown Chakra (top of your head).
In Kundalini Reiki the knots and blocks in the chakras are removed and the body is prepared for the full kundalini awakening that takes place in accordance to the soul’s blueprint
- Greater sensitivity & intuition
- Higher energy levels
- Enhanced psychic abilities
- Creativity & charisma
- Internal peace & knowing
- Overall transformation
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 15-20 min session
Angel Healing
A form of energy healing that works with the love and healing power of Angels. Their ability to heal is limitless.
During Angelic healing, the healer or therapist becomes a vessel for allowing the healing energy of Angels to pass to the receiver.
It helps restore physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
- Bring more optimism into a person's life and the world around them.
- To motivate and empower people to move forward with their lives and achieve goals.
- To magnetize and attract abundance.
- To release Karmic debt.
- To open-up communication between the receiver and Guardian angels.
- Enhancing creativity and clarity.
- Helps people deal with their emotional struggles such as anxiety& stress.
- Provides protection from negativity
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 30-40 min session
Lama Fera Healing Service
Lama Fera Healing is an exceptionally POWERFUL and quick Buddhist energy healing technique. Buddhist Monk of the Himalayas have been using this for centuries
Lama Fera Healing is a unique therapy that cleanses the energy flow system of the body and works on mental, spiritual physical and emotional level.
- Alignment of body, mind and soul
- Freedom from negative thoughts / negative energies
- It helps to resolve past life issues / karmic blockages
- Direct healing on the root cause of the disease Release all known and unknown deep impressions/pains
- Clears entities and black magic
- Will cleanse repetitive negative patterns in family
- Karmic bondages / cords will cut off and we can progress on the path of our soul purpose
- Strengthen Aura
- DNA will get cleansed
Lama Fera Healing is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
It is a 20-30 min session
Humkara With Haleem
A simple, easy and quick yet powerful healing technique done using symbols
These symbols are be made by combined vibrations of mantras.
Symbols when used create a vortex or whirlpool of vital energy along the breath channels or nadis
which in turn releases positive energy to remove all the blockages, loosen & undo the knots of negative energy.
- Boosting mental capacity & memory
- Increased productivity & concentration
- Creates peace & harmony
- Improves health, wellness & immunity
- Release karmic & negative energies
- Clears the aura
- Activation of Brahma nadi
- Balances vaastu energy
- Resolving personal, legal and business issues
It helps immensely in depression and psychic attacks and protects you from all kind of negativity with the divine energies of Kali and Baglamukhi.
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 20-30 min session
5D DNA Healing
5D healing works on the soul to dissolve spiritual, emotional, mental and physical blocks
5D Quantum healing & awareness enables you to create healing on all levels:
- Spiritual Body
- Mental Body
- Emotional Body
- Physical Body
Imbalance in any one of the pillars leads to unhappy state of our mind & the brain’s medulla register all the events and store them in our DNA.
A matrix (loop) is created which the mind is unable to break.
5d healing releases us from energy matrices. It helps release old patterns and energy blockages and works on karma cleansing:
The multi-dimensional benefits of this powerful healing modality
Resolves – eases – heals the following
- Business Healing
- Relationship Healing
- Family Disputes
- Health Issues
- Depression-Anxiety
- Children Behaviour
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call)
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 15-20 min session
Mantra Magnetism And Ilmu Gendam
There is a vast sea of etheric intelligence in the universe which man or woman may tap and use. He or she must first know the laws governing this life force–universal magnetism. You can use the great universal power of magnetism in your own life. It can be directed, built, channeled, so that it will exert its influence in your affairs. You can make a powerful magnet which has the power to attract to you that which you consistently put into your mind. You can magnetize your body so that it is healthy, youthful, and energetic, and you will seldom ever tire. You can learn how to magnetize or attract objects, such as love, healing, money, houses, land, persons, you want in your life, by using this dynamic universal law of magnetism.
Gendam is employed for various purposes in life, particularly in healing, which involves the power to communicate, influence thoughts and emotions, and hold a significant authority widely used by the kings of Java. Gendam is a science that was originally utilized by kings who ruled large kingdoms, something that ordinary individuals couldn’t possess.
Through the powers of Universe and Secret mantras healing is sent to the patients and they see amazing results in the following areas
- Insomnia
- Chronic stress
- Anxiety and Depression
- Gain attraction power
- Relationship issues
- De addiction from alcohol and smoking
- Personality enhancement and confidence
- All physical ailments
- Money blockage
- Success and business/work growth
- Negativity removal
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call).
However in few cases video call will be applicable
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 20-30 min session
Tuning Fork Therapy
Using Tuning Forks for healing is a very gentle yet powerful modality to treat the mind, body, and soul, and to restore inner balance and health. It works with the nervous system, the tissues, and the more subtle energies of the body, being deeply relaxing, and filled with long-term benefits.
Using various tuning fork frequencies for healing comes with many benefits, including tuning the body’s natural cycle or circadian rhythm while stimulating homeostasis, which helps bring the body back to its natural state of balance.
It also attunes the body’s vibrations on a cellular level and promotes the activation of Qi so life force energy can flow freely without any blockages. It balances the nervous system by aligning the right and left brain, thus improving cognition and clear thinking.
And another very interesting benefit is the aid in repairing our DNA structure while reducing chronic stress levels, anxiety, inflammation, muscle pains, and digestion disorder symptoms
- Tuning the natural cycles in your bodies, known as the circadian rhythm. This helps you bring back your natural cycles to stimulate homeostasis.
- Helps to distribute Qi in your body, by uniting different body energies. When your Qi is activated, energy flows freely inside your body to promote healing.
- Improving the healing of strained muscles and tendons and increase bone density.
- Bringing your nervous system into balance.
- Integrating your left and right brain for clearer thinking.
- Anxiety and Depression
- Headaches
- Spinal issues
- Digestive problems
- Insomnia
- Nervous system issues
- Cervical
- Diabetes
- Blood pressure
- Kidney and liver issues
- Hormonal issues
- Sinus
- Chakra balancing
- Emotional healing and much more …..
The number of sessions required for optimal results may vary depending on the client’s individual needs and goals. Some clients may experience immediate benefits after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions over a period of several weeks or months.
It is a distance healing (not on video call or audio call).
You will get a message on your WhatsApp that your healing started.
Its a 30-60 min session